February 02, 2006

The Simple Math

Cost of Pacemaker for 1 patient
Cost of TPN for 1 patient
Weeks On Home PN ( to 10/22/09)
Additional Cost to OHIP to treat with home PN instead of Pacing Therapy (excluding Dr. visits, Clinic follow-up, diagnostics, lab tests, social cost, etc.)

In the article
"Is gastric electrical stimulation superior to standard pharmacologic therapy in improving GI symptoms, healthcare resources, and long-term health care benefits?"
Published in
Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Volume 17, Number 1, February 2005, pp. 35-43(9)
Authors: T.F. Cutts, J. Luo, W. Starkebaum, H. Rashed, T. L. Abell.
Published by: Blackwell Publishing

"We conclude that GES is more effective in improving long-term GI symptoms and costs, and decreasing use of healthcare resources than intensive medical therapy, in this sample of patients with the symptoms of GP followed for 3 years."

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