January 31, 2006

Recovery and the Economy

It's 3 weeks post-implant.
I had the gastric stimulator re-inserted at the Cleveland Clinic in early June, 2007.

There are subtle improvements: less severe nausea, fewer episodes, and now, a modestly larger tolerance for fluids. The thing is, I still have pain at the implant site. The pain restricts my level of activity hence, I'm restless. I'm disappointed that I have not yet been able to return to my 'normal' rackets.

Shari, my superior home-visiting nurse, explained today that the usual recovery period for any abdominal surgery is 6-7 weeks. I pointed out that I'm unusual; those norms don't apply to me. It has never taken me that long to recover.

She offered no argument to the descriptor 'unusual' and added that I needed to consider that the implant surgery is approximately the 13th invasive procedure performed on my abdomen, so I might be approaching usual.

"Six to seven weeks, at least," she stated firmly.
"But I had the surgery in the U.S., so with the exchange rate, it will really only be..."
"That might've worked when there was a 20% exchange rate, but now it's almost par," she interrupted.

OK... I'll give it a little more time.

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